Transitioning over to a nonprofit brings benefits and challenges. One of good things about it is the ability to fundraise to bring more elemements to more students.
The down side is, how do you separate your competitive programs from your non-compeitive ones? Why would you need to?
Educational Overviews, Classes, Workshops, Seminars, Hands-on and more - In 2013, we introduced the idea that students can better prepare and ultimately do better in competition if they had the chance to learn about the competition world, the do's and don'ts and some key elements that benefit students that vary in experience, capability, financial availability and plain ole opportunity.
We held one overview workshop, just to test this theory, and what happened? Well the winner of the English Teen Idol program was from Centennial Middle School, the same school that we held the workshop at.
Of the students that made it to the semi-finals, several students came from that same school. So we figured it worked. In fact, we felt so strongly about it - we decided that going forward, will be putting more time and energy into education eventually, than in competition.
2014 Overview Workshops will include for "Competing for Teens", "Teens Performing in Pubic", "Public Speaking and Emcing for Young Adults" and "Teen Television and then some". These short 2 hour programs are designed for a large group of the students to get a peak at the subject to decide if they want to learn more about it or to get good at it. It is led by the founder with possible special guests and trainers and may even be taught at a local TV station and the class aired. Cost: $10 with early registration or $15 at the door if space for qualified* teens. $25 for non-qualifying teens* and no adult classes yet.
2014 Seminars are for students that want to learn more than a single 2 hour overview can teach. Students can sign up for the 2 day seminar for that area where they get paper work, a simplehomework assignment and good view of what it looks like to do the job. Seminars for "Public Speaking and Emcing" will be held in June, July & August - more if enough interest. Seminars for other subjects will be based on customer request and interest (Tell us you want to have a class in X and we'll see what we can do). Guest speakers and instructors include celebrity motivational speakers, professonal emcees, an executive producer and other special guests. Cost is $25 per qualified teen* registeration - no at the door permitted - both day commitment required and included - space dependent - $50 for non-qualifying* teens.
2014 Classes take the basic studying from the seminar or the introduction from the overviews and apply it to a hands class that gives every student the chance to practice, in front of each other, the area of instruction. Cost is $40 per qualified* student, $75 for non-qualified student** for four (4) - 3 1/2 hour classes held over a 30 day perioud. Classes are only for "Public Speaking and Emcing" and "Teen Television and then some".
Small Groups, 1 on 1, Dark Wing Elite, T.E.E.N Leadership and Internships for students are being developed or future rollout. LIKE our Facebook Fanpage or check back here to find o when they become available.

*Qualified Teen is a classified as:
Be a US Citizen residing in the US as of the first day of instruction
Be age 13 to 19 as of February 1st
Must attend middle school or high school in grades 7 - 12
or be home schooled/early graduates that are 17 or younger at the
time of the first day of instruction
Must commit to all of the instruction dates at time of registration
Pay the full registration amount due at time of application if amount is less than $30 or the 1st of 3 payments if opt to take the payment plan.
** Non-Qualifying Teen:
Graduated students that are 18 or 19 as of the first day of instruction
Students age 13 - 18 that are not US citizens/Residents
Students age 12 at the start of class but become teens by the last day.

2015 will bring a change that will split the 1 program into 5!
Portland Teen Idol will be referred to simply as Teen Idol and there will be regional competitions
Portland, Washington County, Gresham, Clackamas, Vancouver & Salem Teen Idol programs will all have finalists and winners rolling up to one Oregon Teen Idol program.
We will be adding another language, a pageant and potentially another program - what do you suggest?
We have English, Spanish and Russian - what other language? Email to Info@PortlandTeenIdol.com
We have singing, standup, will have a pageant - what other contest should we consider?
Suggestions: Song Writing, Dancing, Bands, Host & MCing, Business (like DECA) - other ideas?