Teen Idol Donations
By clicking DONATE, you will be able to select any of the Teen Idol pograms.
Available are:
Competition Programs
Educational Opportunities
Volunteer Team
Parent Association
Alumni Association
Each have a cost to manage and operate and your support will help us do just that. Competitive Programs is the most in need and has the highest budget requirements at over $6,000 annually.
Registered non-DWC partner agencies are third party nonprofit agencies that we provide funding services for. We are not associated officially with them nor to we recommend, agree with our support their cause, purpose or activities.
We may provide volunteers, sponsor one or more event or our parent Dark Wing Productions may provide services for them, but there are no assumed alliances unless specifically noted.
Unlike most funding nonprofits, we don't just go through a published list of legal nonprfits and add them to our database to give the consumer the idea that we are working under a relationship, we let the nonprofits decide on their own if they are willing to provide some general details, confirm they are active and in need of funding and we really do have a real understanding with the agency before funneling money to them.
In many cases for Oregon and SW Washington organizations, we may have physically sat down and had coffee with an officer on the board or the Executive Director before approving their application. DW Charities are nonprofits where staff or volunteers serve on their boards of directors, committees or have a volunteered time with - it's not about money for us, its about strong relationships.