As a brand new agency, we are in the process of building our Board.
If you are interested in possibly serving, here are some of the things to consider - Board member responsibilities and benefits include:
Must attend seventy-five percent (75%) of monthly board meetings - which may include via telephone, to be eligible.
Must be a representative of a company, either as an employee or self employed or have been personally invited by an existing board member or founder.
Be willing to serve a minimum of two (2) years on the board with no maximum.
Attend at least two (2) DWF classified major events annually. Typically will be four (4) or more per year.
Accept and distribute appropriately, DWF business cards when attending any function related to or managed by DWF, DWP or subsidiary/affiliated company.
Conduct only DWF business when at any function associated with the foundation or when the organization has invited or sent you to the activity to represent the agency.
Be willing to show the nonprofit in positive productive manner to the press, constituients and the public.
Fundraise and promote the foundation, it's partner Dark Wing Productions and affiliate Bauxal Beauty during your term.
Own and maintain a Facebook and LinkedIn profile and keep it updated with upcoming key and major DWF events, even when not directly involved.
Board members like for any other forprofit or nonprofit, help make the high level decisions that drive the growth and expansion of the agency and is overseen by the founder and registered organization and partners Dark Wing Productions.

What does a board member do?
Executive Board (EB):
President, Vice President (2), Business Manager, Marketing Director, Finance Director, Secretary, Executive Director, Founder and Division Presidents are the senior leaders that represent the organization on a day to day basis. They manage the money, human resource decisions, legal and compliance and take care of things that come up that are urgent. President, VP, Secreary or the Bus. Mgr must be at all board meetings to call it to order.
Board of Management (BM):
Non-Executive board members help review situations, make decisions with the EB, help run committees, subcommittees, chapter starting and management, supervise activities, fundraise and execute orders developed and approved by the board. Must attend monthly board meetings.
Advisory Board (AB):
Group of non-direct board members that help make the diferent departments, events and divisions run by executing orders from board members. They usually do not attend board meetings and take on only one event or project at a time.
Each of the EB and BM are all considered part of the same board. The EB or Officers of the organization, changes as often as every two (2) years but the position can be held for two (2) terms back to back. After at least one term away, can come back for another two (2) year term and then every other two (2) years after that.
In general, members of the board may stay indefinitely in one (1) year increments as long as they meet their obligations, participate and are productive.
Headquarters: Beaverton, Oregon
Chapters of NEAT pending
Chapters of ComEnt - DWTV for Television, DWP handles Video
See below for basic contact information