​Take the first step to a better future
Teenagers, nonprofits and volunteers putting together community events, films, shows, concerts and projects make our world better than what businesses provide alone.

Twenty-four years bottled into one agency
The foundation takes the best of nonprofit, community and charitable giving by Dark Wing Productions and rolls it up into a new stand-a-lone entity to do more - for more.
Teen Idol and some
After 4 years as a program of the City of Portland and 3 more years as a program of Dark Wing Productions, "Portland Teen Idol" with hundreds of volunteer events, shows and programs are now all part of this unique nonprofit foundation to give back in a revolutionary way.

2017 Season 11 Winner
Sophia Takla

Season 11 Finalists:
1st Row: Natalie; Aliya; Ramsey; Marissa; Jackson; Ari and Isabel
2nd Row: Tira; Tia; Toby; Skylar; Taylor, Snekha and Jo Jo
Through various programs Teen Idol provides developmental support for teens to ensure a greater chance of success through moral and ethical programming, classes, practices and opportunities. We partner with organizations, government agencies, community groups and businesses striving to create a unique win win paradigm within our society.